


A Hungaricum under community protection is a special, unique, typical and characteristic thing of only Hungary, which makes Hungarians famous all over the world. “It is a value worth distinction and prominence, which is a record output of the Hungarians due to its features typical of the Hungarians, its uniqueness, speciality and quality, which is considered a result of the effort made by the Hungarians, an outstanding value both in Hungary and abroad, it is a protected value of the nature, an excellent national product, which has been qualified as a Hungaricum by the Hungaricum Committee, and which is a Hungaricum by course of law.”

Pálinka as well belongs to the bunch of hungaricums, too.

Protection of geographical origin

Irrespectively of Hungaricums there are products in the European Union which have been granted protection of geographical origin. It is clearly marked as „protected designation of origin” on the packaging or label of such a product.

The term pálinka has a registered designation of origin from among other fruit distillates. In the case of designated pálinkas we mean a special group of pálinkas whose geographical origin and the process of making is clearly defined and demarcated and this way its designation is under protection within the European Union.

It is valid for every pálinka protected with a geographical indication that their raw material is fruit grown or produced exclusively on the area which falls under geographical protection, and the making of the mash, its distillation, maturation and bottling can be done solely on the given geographical area.

At the moment Hungary boasts eight pálinkas which have protected designation of origin: Plum Pálinka of Békés, Pear pálinka of Göcsej, Apricot Pálinka of Gönc, Apricot Pálinka of Kecskemét, Pálinka made from Skins of Pressed Grape in Pannonhalma, Apple Pálinka of Szabolcs, Plum Pálinka of Szatmár and Sour Cherry Pálinka of Újfehértó.

Our Szamosszeg pálinkas with
protected designation of origin


It is a Hungarian pálinka, a distillate having protected designation of origin, clear like a mirror, pale yellowish due to ageing and having a stone-flavour resembling bitter almond. Its alcohol content is at least 40%. It is made exclusively using plum, namely from the perfectly ripe fruit of the types Penyige and Beszterce plums.

From among the premium quality plum pálinkas produced by our Szamosszeg Pálinkahouse Ltd. the one called WRATHFUL, a Szamosszeg Szatmár Apple Pálinka Selection made from Jonathán apples; the pálinka christened Girl’s Kiss, which is a Bedded Szatmár Plum Pálinka from Szamosszeg and the Szamosszeg Szatmár Plum Pálinka known as Dawning are categorized as pálinkas under protection of designation of origin.


When freshly made it is a colourless, especially clear fruit distillate which turns slightly yellowish due to ageing. It is a distillate of fruit with an aromatic taste and bouquet of apples. It is one of the brands of Hungarian pálinka with protected designation of origin.

Its Alcohol content according to the specification is at least 40%.

From among the premium quality plum pálinkas produced by our Szamosszeg Pálinkahouse Ltd. the one called WRATHFUL, a Szamosszeg Szabolcs Apple Pálinka made from Jonathán apples, the Szamosszeg Szabolcs Golden Apple Pálinka called Golden Bird and the so-called Batul Pálinka, a Szabolcs Batul Apple Pálinka fall into the category of pálinkas with protected designation of origin.